This page contains various technial linguistic articles relating to the Muna language.
1. Aspects of Muna verbal morphology by René van den Berg, published as "Beberapa aspek morfologi kata kerja bahasa Muna", Lontara. Majalah Universitas Hasanuddin 34 (1987), pp 43-52. This article, in Indonesian, is a preliminary description of verb morphology in Muna, illustrating the three classes, the realis-irrealis distinction and the definiteness shift. It was originally presented at the Bulan Bahasa in Ujung Pandang (Makassar) in November 1985. ( view | download )
2. Relative clause formation by Lydia van den Berg-Klingeman, published as "Klausa Relatif Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Muna", Lontara. Majalah Universitas Hasanuddin 34 (1987), pp 5-25.This article, in Indonesian, is a preliminary description of relative clause formation in Muna, compared with Indonesian. It was originally presented at the Bulan Bahasa in Ujung Pandang (Makassar) in November 1986. ( view | download )
3. Muna dialects and the Munic languages: towards a reconstruction by René van den Berg was published in 1991 in Ray Harlow (ed) VICAL 2. Western Austronesian and Contact Languages. Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Auckland: Linguistic Society of New Zealand. Pp. 21-51. ( view | download )
4. Muna Historical phonology. This article by René van den Berg was published in 1991 as "Muna historical phonology" in: J.N. Sneddon (ed.) Studies in Sulawesi linguistics. Part II. Jakarta: Badan Penyelenggara Seri Nusa, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya. NUSA volume 33, pp. 1-28.
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5. Dutch loans in Muna. This article by René van den Berg was published in 1995 as "Forestry, Injections and Cards: Dutch loans in Muna". In: Connie Baak, Mary Bakker and Dick van der Meij (eds) Tales from a concave world. Liber amicorum Bert Voorhoeve. Leiden: Projects Division Department of Languages and Cultures of South-East Asia and Oceania. Pp. 191-215.
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6. The making of the Muna dictionary by René van den Berg was published in 2001 as "Lexicography in the field: methods and results of the Muna dictionary project". Notes on Linguistics vol. 4/3, pp. 157-171. ( view | download )